our christmas was spent at
my mom's house this year.

what a mis-matched bunch we are.
you can tell by my expression here

that i was shocked to hear
i am going to be an auntie.
thanks to this gal.

she says if its a girl i get to keep her
because she wants another boy.
apparently they have named it
i kid.
i kid.
all joking aside-
i am happy for her.
babies are always good news in my book.
now on to
christmas pics of the kids.
she got what she wanted

and something i wanted her to have-

she is in love
with domo.
all things japan, really.
we all miss it, in our own way.
i think i was too much of a spoiled american
the last oh, six months we were there.
i was over it and wanted to leave.
now i am in a better place
and i just want to go back.
but i digress...
i loved this pressie
for him
the bestest.

i read that book to him
every. night.
when he was a kid.
and he had it memorized.
and we loved it.
so when i saw that tee
at urban outfitters last week
i had to buy it.
had to.
hope your holiday was filled with
the stuff that makes a holiday memorable.

obviously mine was!!
oh, & a quick p.s.
here's a shot
of the photo project
in the new casa:
only one wall is done
in the living area.
looks a lot better in person.
love the mis-match of non pic items
and family pics.

i'm stuck on what to do above the t.v.
it's the part i am always stuck on.
in every house.
and we've moved a lot.
so that's a lot of stuck.