today was a bit gloomy
i liked it.
i'm reading a million little pieces.
i finished both
promise me
(for a book club)
the kept woman
(for my pleasure)
last week
and i forgot to take a new book
to work to read during lunch/breaks.
a million little pieces was sitting on the
break room table
so i picked it up.
initially i wasn't going to read the book
after all the controversy over it.
but i decided just to go with it.
to look at it as fiction.
and enjoy.
it's pretty gritty
but i am liking it so far.
other than that
like i said
nothing going on in texas.
I highly recommend "Water for Elephants". You know how I normally read every other page? not this time. Boy runs away with the circus after his parents die, well written.
(support your local library)
good to know.
i'll keep that on my list.
i really want to read
the joy luck club
next. i bought it in australia
and have yet to begin!!
joy luck club is awesome
right now i'm trudging thru cold sassy tree. still. i am determined to finish it, although i really just can't get into it.
i loved a million little peices. it's unlike anything i've ever read. have his second book but haven't had the chance to read it yet.
oh and yes i got some mail from you yesterday, so you should have some mail from me real soon! :)
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