Wednesday, August 20, 2008

starbucks stop.

make it better
make it better
make it better...

like only you can.


island jen said...

well duuuuuhhhh....of course only starbucks can make it better.

kimmyk said...

what didja get? and did it help?

glo.riah said...

the usual: venti skinny vanilla.
it only eased the pain a *little*.

Colleen said...

so true
so true

Anonymous said...

see! it wasn't so bad!

and we'll see her next month! :0)

kimmyk said...

okay, when i go to starbucks in the winter/cold months (that would be from october-april) i order a tall sugar free vanilla latte no whip. in the warmer months (may-sept) i order the black iced tea.

i dunno what a skinny vanilla is.
what is it?? interesting. must be a nonfat vanilla ...what?

i am so addicted to their vanilla almond biscotti it's sad. i mean seriously addicted. i eat like 3 a day. breakfast, lunch and a bednight snack. the girls here order it by the cases for me (and give me a deal)...if you've not tried one, get one with your coffee...*yum!*

glo.riah said...

kimmy, you order a tall skinny latte.
:) mine's just bigger.
i think i've tried the biscotti...
and i *think* i liked it...